Monday, December 4, 2006

date 'o' rama

I apparently have a date on Thursday night. I say "apparently" because at no point was I involved in the date-making process. Tianna met a cute boy last night, and, since she is in no way interested in anything with a penis, she passed "Kyle" along to me. Her exact words (to him) were "she's cute, she's tall, and she has great tits." Yes, I know, words so beautiful that Shakespear himself once used them in the Sonnet "Ode to Great Tits." She then proceeded to text me "You have a date. Flemmings. Thursday. 8." "Ok" I said, becase really, what the hell. I could use some lovin, and some good food. This is what I know of him: Kyle is 26, in the Navy (cringe), a great cook (yum), hottie mc hotterson, a surfer and a very sweet guy. Worth at least one date, I'm sure. Now I know I made a rule about the Navy, but is it REALLY fair to stereotype? I mean, c'mon, the guy deserves at least a date. AND one more credit to Kyle's name: Tianna met him at Bourbon st. and he's a friend of Heathers. Which mean he's totally gay friendly. That TOTALLY cancells out the whole "Navy" thing, right?

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