Thursday, December 6, 2007

Another day, another date..

I went out on another date last night...lately i'm averaging about 1/week. I met Chris through my friend Genessa. He's 31 and a civil engineer. It was a good date, we went for drinks and then took Rodrigo for a walk. He's goofy and smart, which I love. We'll see, he's already made it past most of the guys. The fact that I still liked him after our date bodes well for him..:)

Ryan, the afore mentioned date, did not work out so well. Its funny how much of a 'connection' you can have when you're drinking. Needless to say, on our sober date I was less than enthralled. Lackluster.

1 comment:

Shana said...

Thanks for the date update, I had been wondering how the last one went! :) Glad this one was better!