Thursday, December 6, 2007

This is whats wrong with me...

On Sat 11/24 I spent the entire day in the hospital. The night before, I went to bed dizzy. I figured it would be gone in the morning, however, when I woke up it was even worse. I was too dizzy to walk, I had to crawl to the bathroom and then to my phone. I made a few calls to let people know what was going on (just in case i was having an aneurism). When I finally spoke to my friend Trissy, she insisted that we go to the hospital. The best way to describe the feeling is that it was like having the spins when you've had too much to drink.

After spending the day in the hospital, the Dr. told me i had Benign Paroximal Vertigo. Basically I have calcium deposits in my ears and it's throwing off my equalibrium. When i first look at something it's out of focus because my eyes and ears are out of sinc.

It took about 4 days for me to be able to walk again and now, 2 weeks later i'm still dizzy, though not as bad. If it persists through Monday, I'm going to make another appt.

Fun times.

1 comment:

Shana said...

Yikes! That sounds terrible. Is there much they can do for you? I have to admit though, that it's kind of funny to find out that you have really do have rock-like substances in your head! :) I won't tell Joe! :)